Ownership of dog involves some responsibilities



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October 14, 2013

I believe that your doggie is very kind both to other pets and people as well as occasional passers-by when he is walking calmly in the street. However, you probably have noticed that some people may be scared of your dog, especially if he is massive and looks concentrated, that is sometimes unfortunately misunderstood as aggressive.


Indeed, it’s a huge responsibility to be an owner of a dog. When you bring puppy to your house you receive so called “white sheet of paper” and it’s depends upon you very much what character and personality will your puppy gain. Will he become super kind or aggressive, will he love you endlessly or be terrified when you come close.

I don’t want you to worry ;) In fact, usually it doesn’t take much efforts and time to raise obedient and kind, however protective dog. It takes patience though. But the play is absolutely worth the candles! Your dog will serve you faithfully and will be reliable companion during all his life.

A pleasant experience of receiving more than is expected!
This heavy duty handcrafted harness is a Prime Class Equipment designed for your dog’s professional needs:
  • non-restrictive shape
  • quality hardware
  • verified lines and exquisitely restrained shape
Handcrafted verified creation giving an incomparable sensation of a quality full grain leather gear.

This harness is made of finely processed genuine leather which is extra durable and strong. Full grain, which is perspectively saved during the process of treatment, secures quality airflow. As natural tissue is left almost untouched and only upper layer of fur is removed such leather conserves its genuine resistance to wearing out and stretching. With strength of details sufficient for protection training, this dog harness has a construction allowing snug and comfy embrace.


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